STP: Time and Place for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
- Name of the company: Song Da Industry Trade JSC (Song Da Packing JSC)
- Stock code: STP
- Reason: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2014
- Exercise time: 7h30’ 20/04/2014
- In case the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 is unsuccessful on 20/04/2014, time for the second time of the Meeting will be on 7h30’ 26/04/2014 and the third time of the Meeting (if any) will be on 7h30’ 04/05/2014
- Place: Song Da Industry Trade JSC’s Office
- Agenda: Reports of 2013 and plan of 2014
- For more detail, please visit website:
> VCV: Time and place for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 (25/03/2014)
> VMC: Financial Statement FY 2013 (holding company) (25/03/2014)
> PVB: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (24/03/2014)
> NVB: Explanation for the difference in profit before tax of Private FS QIV.2013 (24/03/2014)
> LIG: Explanation for the difference in the profit after tax in financial statement of Q.IV/2013 year on year (24/03/2014)
> LO5: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of Q.IV/2013 year on year (24/03/2014)
> MCC: Explanation for difference of profit after tax before and after audit (24/03/2014)
> LTC: Notice of record date for Dividend payment and AGM (24/03/2014)
> CPC: Change in date of AGM of shareholders 2014 (24/03/2014)
> KTT: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 (24/03/2014)