LTC: Board Resolution on dividend payment
> FIT: Notice of record date for Dividend payment by share, for seasoned issue and AGM (18/03/2014)
> LCD: Notice of record date for Dividend payment and AGM (18/03/2014)
> HCM_0206: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (18/03/2014)
> HCM_0306: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (18/03/2014)
> RDP: Adjusts Time for right transfer, registration and payment for shares purchase (17/03/2014)
> Companies set to pay dividends (15/03/2014)
> ELC: The record date for the 2014 AGM of shareholders & the cash dividend advance of 2013 (14/03/2014)
> HAI: The record date for the 2013 dividend payment (14/03/2014)
> LDP: Notice of record date for Dividend payment and AGM (13/03/2014)
> LHC: Notice of record date for Dividend payment and AGM (13/03/2014)