HSI: HSI to be traded again but put under control
On March 24, 2014, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange had Announcement No.338/TB-SGDHCM on putting stock of General Materials Biochemistry Fertilizer Joint Stock Company under control:
- Stock of General Materials Biochemistry Fertilizer Joint Stock Company will be traded again but put under control as of March 26, 2014. - Reference price on March 26, 2014: equal to the close price of HSI on March 20, 2014 (the day immediately before the suspended day)- Price range: +/- 7% of the reference price.
- Stock of General Materials Biochemistry Fertilizer Joint Stock Company will be traded again but put under control as of March 26, 2014.
- Reference price on March 26, 2014: equal to the close price of HSI on March 20, 2014 (the day immediately before the suspended day)
- Price range: +/- 7% of the reference price.
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