TNT: Explanation for consolidated business result in Q4, 2013
Tai Nguyen Corporation explained business result in Q4/2013 compared to Q4/2012 as follows: Consolidated profit after tax in Q4/2013 was a loss of VND25,003,404,537 because company appropriated provision for inventories and bad debts. Besides, company transferred capital contribution of two associated companies, leading to a loss in financial expense. Although in Q4/2013, company had operating profit, it did not offset those losses.
> VOS: Explanation for consolidated business result in Q4, 2013 (19/02/2014)
> MAFPF1: NAV from 06 Feb 2014 to 13 Feb 2014 (19/02/2014)
> FCN: Explanation for business result in Q4, 2013 (19/02/2014)
> FDG: Explanation for business result in Q4, 2013 (19/02/2014)
> PID: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2013 (19/02/2014)
> SD2: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 (19/02/2014)
> SVC: The Record Date for Annual General Meeting 2014 (19/02/2014)
> TCL: The Record Date for Annual General Meeting 2014 (19/02/2014)
> TNA: Business result in the first month of 2014 (19/02/2014)
> HAG: Explanation for business results in Quarter 4.2013 (Separate FS) (19/02/2014)