TNG: Change in the Business Registration Certificate
> API: Change in time and place for AGM 2014 (21/02/2014)
> PVL: Explanation for the difference in profit after tax of Q.IV/2013 year on year (21/02/2014)
> NHA: Financial Statement FY 2013 (21/02/2014)
> DPM: The record date for the 2014 AGM (21/02/2014)
> DVP: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2014 (21/02/2014)
> SVT: The record date for the 2013 AGM (21/02/2014)
> TLH: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2014 (21/02/2014)
> ACL: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2014 (21/02/2014)
> CNG: The record date for the 2014 AGM (21/02/2014)
> TV1: Announcement of changes in business license (21/02/2014)