HAGL Joint Stock Company (HAGL) has explained fluctuation of business results in Quarter 4.2013 compared to Quarter 4/2012 as follows:
before tax in Quarter 4/2013: 295,654,577 thousand dongs
before tax in Quarter 4/2012: 63,048,808 thousand dongs
1. Transaction business:
revenue in Quarter 4/2013 decreased by 978 billion dongs compared to the same
period of 2012 (in Quarter 4/2012: 1,734 billion dongs, in Quarter 4/2013: 756
billion dongs) because of the following reasons:
+ Revenue
from apartment sales in the period decreased by 893 billion dongs compared to
the same period of last year (in Quarter 4.2012: 966 billion dongs, in Quarter
4.2013: 73 billion dongs) due to An Tien project was completed and revenue was recorded
in Quarter 4.2012.
Revenue from construction contract in the period decreased by 222 billion dongs
compared to the same period of last year (in Quarter4.2012: 396 billion dongs,
in Quarter 4.2013: 174 billion dongs)
+ Revenue
from sugar sales in the period increased by 194 billion dongs, which had not
arisen in the same period of last year.
+ Revenue
from rubber latex sales in the period increased by 70 billion dongs compared to
the same period of last year (in Quarter 4.2012: 46 billion dongs, in Quarter
4.2013: 116 billion dongs)
Correspondence to the fluctuation in revenue,
cost of goods sold increased by 900 billion dongs compared to the same period
of last year (in Quarter 4.2012: 1,323 billion dongs, in Quarter 4.2013: 423
billion dongs). The main fluctuation were as follows:
+ Costs
of apartment sales in the period decreased by 682 billion dongs compared to the
same period of last year (in Quarter 4.2012: 759 billion dongs, in Quarter
4.2013: 77 billion dongs)
+ Costs
of construction contracts in the period decreased by 220 billion dongs compared
to the same period of last year (in Quarter 4.2012: 300 billion dongs. In
Quarter 4.2013: 80 billion dongs)
+ Gross
profit in the period decreased by 75 billion dongs compared to the same period
of 2012.
+ Selling
expenses in the period decreased by 64 billion dongs compared t the same period
of last year (in Quarter 4.2012: 73 billion dongs, in Quarter 4.2013: 10
billion dongs) because selling expense of projects were completed and it were
recorded in Quarter 4.2012.
2. Financial:
financial in the period increased by 152 billion dongs compared to the same
period of 2012 (in Quarter 4.2012: 28 billion dongs, in Quarter 4.2013: 180 billion
dongs). Because in Quarter 4.2013, Group transferred all shares of its
subsidiaries operating in real estate and it recorded by 112 billion dongs into
income financial.
3. Corporation income tax:
Corporation income tax: profit from the investment projects in Laos, which was
major contribution to the profit in the period, enjoying the exemption from
corporate income tax in the period, current corporation income tax was lower
than the same period of last year.
company’s other action have been going on normally.