Friday, 07/02/2014 13:56

DSN: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2014

Dam Sen Water Park Corporation announced the resolution of Annual General Meeting 2014 on January 25, 2014 as follows:

The Annual General Meeting 2014 unanimously resolved:

Article 1: The Meeting approved report of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors for management operation, company supervisor, business results in 2013 as follows:

-         Total revenue:                     170,941,387,112 dongs

-         Total profit before tax:        90,095,426,005 dongs

-         Profit after tax:                     67,176,645,369 dongs

Article 2: The Meeting approved the profit distribution in 2013:

-         Total revenue:                      170,941,387,112 dongs

-         Total profit before tax:         90,095,426,005 dongs

-         Distributed to funds:           12,358,832,268 dongs

-         Total profit after tax:             67,176,645,369 dongs

-         Total accumulation funds: 94,096,233,499 dongs

-         Retained earnings:             54,817,813,101 dongs

-         Dividend to shareholder:   50,700,000,000 dongs

Article 3: The Meeting approved the plan for 2014:

-         Total revenue in 2014 (not including VAT): 178 billion dongs

-         Total expenses: 6.0% net revenue

-         Total salary: 16.0% net revenue + allowance 200 million dongs/month (include the compensation of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors:1.0%)

-         Depreciation/year: 3.6 billion dongs

-         Total accumulation source/total revenue: 53%

-         Minimum dividend in 2014: 36%/charter capital

-         Bonus to the Board of Directors, the Board of Management and staffs:14% profit after tax

Article 4: The Meeting approved bonus to the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, the Board of Management and staffs.

Article 5: The Meeting approved list of auditing companies to audit financial statements in 2014.


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