* Security
code: BBC
1. Name of institutional investor: Duong Mat
Troi Investment Joint Stock Company (*)
Number and proportion of shares owned by
investor before trading: 2,324,390 shares (15.07%)
Number of bought shares from 14 Feb 2014
Number of shares bought: 189,000 shares
Number and proportion of shares owned by
investor after trading: 2,513,390 shares (16.30%)
Date of ownership change: February 14, 2014
2. Name of institutional investor: Duong Mat
Troi Investment Joint Stock Company (*)
Number and proportion of shares owned by
investor before trading: 2,163,940 shares (14.03%)
Number of bought shares from 14 Dec 2013 to 12
Feb 2014
Number of shares bought: 160,450 shares
Number and proportion of shares owned by
investor after trading: 2,324,390 shares (15.07%)
Date of ownership change: February 13, 2014
temporary translation