SPM: Explanation for business result in Quarter 4/2013
S.P.M Corporation explained business result in Quarter 4/2013 as follows:
Unit: million dongs
Items Quarter 4/2013 Quarter 4/2012 Comparison with the same period last year Financial income 2,816 6,005 -3,189 -53.1% Financial expense 16,684 4,539 12,145 167.6% Profit after tax -9,126 5,713 -14,839 -259.7% - Profit in quarter 4/2013 decrease by VND14,839 million (259.7%) compared to quarter 4/2012, mainly because: + From Quarter 4/2013, because of withdrawal of short-term loans, leading to financial income in Quarter 4/2013 decreased 53.1% or VND3,189 million compared to in Quarter 4/2012. + In Quarter 4/2013, financial expense increased 267.6% or VND12.15 million compared to in Quarter 4/2012.
Quarter 4/2013
Quarter 4/2012
Comparison with the same period last year
Financial income
Financial expense
Profit after tax
- Profit in quarter 4/2013 decrease by VND14,839 million (259.7%) compared to quarter 4/2012, mainly because:
+ From Quarter 4/2013, because of withdrawal of short-term loans, leading to financial income in Quarter 4/2013 decreased 53.1% or VND3,189 million compared to in Quarter 4/2012.
+ In Quarter 4/2013, financial expense increased 267.6% or VND12.15 million compared to in Quarter 4/2012.
> RDP: Explanation for business result in Q4/2013 (23/01/2014)
> REE: Resolution on AGM 2014 and the payment dividend (23/01/2014)
> SAV: Explanation for business result in Q4.2013 (23/01/2014)
> TCL: Explanation for business results in quarter 4/2013 (23/01/2014)
> TIE: Explanation for business result in Quarter 4.2013 (23/01/2014)
> FCN: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2014 (23/01/2014)
> MCC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2013 (23/01/2014)
> NST: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2013 (23/01/2014)
> NHC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2013 (23/01/2014)
> SBBS: Explanation for business result in Quarter 4.2013 (23/01/2014)