SGD: Notice of transaction of connected person (Ngo Trong Quang)
- Name of issuer: Educational Book JSC in Ho Chi Minh City- Stock code: SGD- Securities type: Common stock- Name of person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director:Ngo Trong Quang- Name of PDMR/Director in the listed company: Ngo Trong Vinh- Position in the listed company: Director- Relation between connected person and PDMR/Director: full brother- Number of shares held by connected person before transaction: 188,800 shares- Number of shares to be acquired: 5,000 shares- Nature of transaction: negotiation and continuous order matching- Purpose of transaction: increasing shareholding- Expected Start date of transaction: 13/01/2014- Expected End date of transaction: 11/02/2014
> PPI: Report on Change in Ownership of Major Shareholder (09/01/2014)
> SPM: Trading result of inside shareholder (09/01/2014)
> TTF: Report on Change in Ownership ratio of Major Shareholder (09/01/2014)
> VC6: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Do Dinh Hung) (09/01/2014)
> TS4: Transaction of inside shareholder (09/01/2014)
> DXG: Transaction of inside shareholder (09/01/2014)
> FDC: Transaction of affiliated person (09/01/2014)
> SEC: Transaction of inside shareholder (09/01/2014)
> TMP: Transaction of affiliated institution (09/01/2014)
> DXG: Transaction of affiliated person (09/01/2014)