PMS: Report of use of proceeds
On 16/01/2014, Petroleum Mechanical Stock
Company announced report of use of proceeds from the share issue as follows:
Total proceeds from the issue
- Type of share: Common share;
- Par value: VND 10,000
- Number of shares to be issued: 2,027,662
- Proceeds from the issue: VND 20,276,620,000
Report of use of proceeds
Purpose of the issue
Invest in and purchase some assets such as:
Deploy project in Binh Duong; Improve, repair equipment and machines, purchase
02 more petrol stations, etc.
Use of proceeds:
- Until 31/12/2013, proceeds from the issue
were not used in accordance with purpose of the issue. Based on General Mandate
dated 30/03/2013, PMS agreed to select and invest in 02 new petrol stations.
- Currently the Company could not find any
petrol station with favorable place to get high profit; so the Company is
planning to propose AGM 2013 to change purpose of the proceeds. HNX