MBKE: Personnel change
MayBank Kim Eng Securities Limited announced changes in the Board of Directors as follows:
- The Board of Directors in the term 01 from 2014 to 2016: + Mr. Le Minh Tam: Chairman of the BOD + Mr. Francis Seow: Member + Ms. Ami Moris: Members + Mr. Jeffrey Goh Cho Kiat: Member + Mr. Ong Cheow Kheng: Member.
- The Board of Directors in the term 01 from 2014 to 2016:
+ Mr. Le Minh Tam: Chairman of the BOD
+ Mr. Francis Seow: Member
+ Ms. Ami Moris: Members
+ Mr. Jeffrey Goh Cho Kiat: Member
+ Mr. Ong Cheow Kheng: Member.
> CII: Change of a member of the BOD (14/01/2014)
> DRC: Personnel change (13/01/2014)
> SVC: Personnel change (13/01/2014)
> VIS: Appointment of Secretary to Management Board (13/01/2014)
> VDSE: Resignation of a member of the BOD (13/01/2014)
> STG: Appointment of Deputy CEO (13/01/2014)
> HBS: Change in Information Disclosure Officer (10/01/2014)
> ITA: Appointment of Head of Representative Office (10/01/2014)