TIX: Violation of information disclosure of an inside shareholder
Violation of information disclosure requirement of the insider trading in Post and Telecommunications Investment and Construction Joint Stock company as follows:
- Tran Phan Investment & Advisory Co., Ltd. (affiliated institution of Mr. Tran Quang Truong – a member of the BOD) was late in reporting the trading result of TIX stock after registering to trade on December 04, 2013.
> S55: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr.Tuyen) (24/12/2013)
> DIC: Correction the Report on Change in Ownership of Major Shareholder (24/12/2013)
> VNH: Violation of information disclosure of an inside shareholder (24/12/2013)
> SDT: Result of transaction of connected institution (Bao Viet Securities Investment Fund) (24/12/2013)
> API: Notice of transaction of connected person (Nguyen Thi Bon) (24/12/2013)
> ITD: Transaction of inside shareholder (24/12/2013)
> MTG: Trading result of inside shareholder (24/12/2013)
> NBB: Trading result of inside shareholder (24/12/2013)
> VNM: Transaction of affiliated institution (NORGES BANK) (24/12/2013)
> OGC: Report on Change in Ownership of Major Shareholder (Market Vectors ETF Trust) (24/12/2013)