VIT: Board Resolution
> VE9: Annual Corporate Governance Report 2012 (18/10/2013)
> VAT: Change in head quarter (21/10/2013)
> DAC: Board resolution (21/10/2013)
> V21: Tờ trình Đại hội đồng cổ đông theo hình thức lấy ý kiến cổ đông (21/10/2013)
> PSG: Explanation for differences in consolidated FS of QII.2012 and QII.2013 (21/10/2013)
> TTZ: The explanation for the difference in the operation result in Quarter II.2013 year on year (21/10/2013)
> VIX: Annual Corporate Governance Report 2012 (21/10/2013)
> V21: Explanation for auditor\u2019s opinion in reviewed semi-annual FS 2013 (21/10/2013)
> HBE: Tender offer (21/10/2013)
> HNM: Letter of a ballot (21/10/2013)