Vinaglobal: Change of CEO
Vinaglobal Securities Corporation announced a personnel change as follows:
- Mr. Chau Vinh Quang, a member of the BOD replaced Mr. Nguyen The Nhien as CEO. - Effective date: November 08, 2013.
- Mr. Chau Vinh Quang, a member of the BOD replaced Mr. Nguyen The Nhien as CEO.
- Effective date: November 08, 2013.
> HAP: Record date for bonus shares (13/11/2013)
> MSN: Explanation for late information disclosure (13/11/2013)
> RDP: Resolution of Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (13/11/2013)
> HAP: Board Resolution – Sep 20 (13/11/2013)
> SBA: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares (13/11/2013)
> KSD: Change in the BOD (13/11/2013)
> VPC: General Mandate 2013 (12/11/2013)
> VIE: General Mandate 2013 (12/11/2013)
> VMC: General Mandate 2013 (12/11/2013)
> VND: General Mandate 2013 (12/11/2013)