Report on change in ownership of a major shareholder of Vietnam Blue - Chip Fund (VFMVF4):
* Security code: VFMVF4
1. Name of institutional investor: SSI Asset
Management (SSIAM)
Number and proportion of shares owned by investor before
traded on current outstanding shares: 5,215,860 fund certificates (6.47%)
Number of sold shares from 21 Nov 2013 to 22 Nov 2013
Number of shares sold: 835,860 fund certificates
Number and proportion of shares owned by investor after
trading on total number of current outstanding shares: 4,380,000 fund
certificates (5.43%)
Date of ownership changes: November 22, 2013.
2. Name of institutional investor: SSI Asset
Management (SSIAM)
Number and proportion of shares owned by investor before
traded on current outstanding shares: 4,380,000 fund certificates (5.43%)
Number of sold shares from 23 Nov 2013 to 25 Nov 2013
Number of shares sold: 630,000 fund certificates
Number and proportion of shares owned by investor after
trading on total number of current outstanding shares: 3,750,000 fund
certificates (4.65%)
Date of ownership changes: November 25, 2013.