VCC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company)
CTCP Vinaconex 25 announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 of holding company.
> NVC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (consolidated) (05/11/2013)
> MEC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (consolidated) (05/11/2013)
> CT6: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (05/11/2013)
> VGP: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2013 (05/11/2013)
> MEC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (05/11/2013)
> PGS: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (06/11/2013)
> TXM: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (06/11/2013)
> PHH: The explanation for audit note at reviewed consolidated semi-annual financial statement (06/11/2013)
> VDL: Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (06/11/2013)
> PVX: Explanation for the audit opinion at the reviewed semi-annual financial statement (06/11/2013)