Report on change in ownership of a major shareholder of Thac Mo Hydro Power Joint Stock Company:
Name of institutional investor: Power Generation Corporation
The related person holding this security:
1. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phu
Title of the related person in the listed company: Chairman of the BOD, CEO
Relationship of the related person with the institutional
investor: Representative of capital
2. Mr. Le Minh Tuan
Title of the related person in the listed company: Deputy
Relationship of the related person with the institutional
investor: Representative of capital
3. Mr. Luu
Ngoc Mai Phi
Title of the related person in the listed company: Member of
the Board of Directors
Relationship of the related person with the institutional
investor: Head of planning
Security code: TMP
Number and proportion of shares owned by investor before trading:
0 share
Number of shares receive transferred: 36,341,500 shares
Number and proportion of shares owned by investor after
trading: 36,341,500 shares
Number and proportion of shares owned by related person:
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phu is representative of 40% capital
Mr. Le Minh Tuan is representative of 30% capital
Mr. Luu Ngoc Mai Phi is representative of 30% capital
Number and proportion of shares owned by related person
after trading:
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phu is representative of 40% capital
Mr. Le Minh Tuan is representative of 30% capital
Mr. Luu Ngoc Mai Phi is representative of 30% capital
Reason to transfer the representation right of the state
capital ownership from Vietnam Electricity to Power Generation Corporation 2
Date of ownership change: September 17, 2013