On October 31, 2013, the Board of Directors of Saigon General Service Corporation (SAVICO) unanimously approved to pay the dividend installment of the year 2012:
Article 1: Approving
the dividend payment of 2012 as follow:
Stock symbol: SVC
Stock type: Common stock
Par value: VND
Record date: November
20, 2013
Dividend pay-out ratio: 10%/ par value (VND1,000/
Purpose: to make the dividend payment for 2012.
Payment date:
December 20, 2013
Payment amount: VND24,975,507,000
& procedure of payment:
Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at
the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.
Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: at Saigon General Service
Corporation. 68 Nam
Ky Khoi Nghia from December 20, 2013
Please submit ID card and
Shareholder certificates or the legal authorized letters on receipt of
Article 2:
Authorizing the CEO to implement the interim dividend accordance with the Law
and charter of SAVICO.
Article 3: The resolution is valid from October 31, 2013.