QST: Explanation for negative balance of bonus fund
> SAP: The explanation for the audit opinion in reviewed FS 2013 (28/10/2013)
> SCJ: Explanation for auditor's opinion in reviewed FS 2013 (28/10/2013)
> SD2: The explanation for the operation result in Q.II.2013 (28/10/2013)
> SD5: Board resolution (28/10/2013)
> SD6: Board resolution (28/10/2013)
> SD7: Board resolution (28/10/2013)
> SD9: Board resolution (28/10/2013)
> SDG: Explanation for difference of business performance in FS of Q.II/2013 (28/10/2013)
> SDP: Explanation for auditor's opinion in reviewed FS 2013 (28/10/2013)
> SDP: Explanation for auditor's opinion in reviewed semi-annual FS 2013 (28/10/2013)