ONE: Board decision
On 13/11/2013, One Communication Technology Corporation announced the board decision as follows:
Article 1: Implementation of the dividend payment 2012 in cash in accordance with General Mandate No.01/2013/NQ-DHDCD dated 20/04/2013 as follows:
1. Dividend ratio in cash: 10%/share (01 share receives VND 1,000). 2012 dividend will be paid in two rounds:
- 1st round: 5% of 2013
- 2rd round: The remaining 5% in 2014
2. Exercise time
- Record date: 28/11/2013
- Exercise date of 2012 (1st round): 16/12/2013
- Exercise date of 2012 (2rd round): 25/04/2014
Article 2: The performance
This resolution goes into effect on the date of signature. BOD and Management Board are responsible to implement this decision.
> TV4: Notice of record date for a ballot (20/11/2013)
> HAI: Board Resolution (20/11/2013)
> HAP: Explanation for late information disclosure (20/11/2013)
> PXS: Board Resolution on selling the remaining shares (20/11/2013)
> CTG: The record date for consulting shareholders (20/11/2013)
> MSN: Report on result of private placement (with the issuing cost) (20/11/2013)
> HDA: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (20/11/2013)
> HHG: General Mandate 2013 (20/11/2013)
> HOM: General Mandate 2013 (20/11/2013)
> HUT: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (20/11/2013)