H.A.I Joint Stock Company (stock code: HAI) has announced trading result of affiliated institutional investor as follows:
Stock symbol: HAI
Name of
institutional investor: State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC)
person: Mr. Dang Thanh Cuong, Mr. Quach Thanh Dong and Mr. Phan The Thanh
Position of Mr. Dang
Thanh Cuong at the
listed firm: chairman of the BOD
Position of Mr.
Quach Thanh Dong at the listed
firm: CEO
Position of Mr. Phan
The Thanh at the listed
firm: a Member of the BOD
Owning volume of
Mr. Cuong: 18,300 shares
Owning volume of
Mr. Dong: 138,000 shares
Owning volume
before trading: 8,693,880 shares
Volume registered
to sell: 8,693,880 shares
Sold volume: 0
Owning volume
after trading: 8,693,880 shares
Reason of
incomplete transaction: the price was not in the trader’s expectation.