DAC: Explanation for the change of over 10% in operating result in QIV.2012 compared to QIV.2011
According to the Financial Statement Quarter IV/2012, profit after tax of Quarter IV/2012 decreased more than 10% year on year. Viglacera Dong Anh JSC explained the decrease in operating result in Quarter IV/2012 as follows:
- Revenue in QIV.2012 was lower VND 1.7 billion than that in QIV/2011 so the Company suffered the loss of VND 2.8 billion.
- Due to frozen real estate market, consumption of products met many difficulties.
- Increase in materials, services and insurance expenses made profit after tax decrease.
- Bank interest also increased year on year so financial expenses in QIV.2012 increased by VND 300 million.
> S74: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (01/11/2013)
> VIX: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2013 (01/11/2013)
> RHC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (01/11/2013)
> AAA: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (01/11/2013)
> FDT: Explanation for difference in profit after tax in audited FS 2012 (01/11/2013)
> HDA: Explanation for difference in profit after tax in 2012 and 2011 (01/11/2013)
> HNM: Explanation for differences in profit after tax of QIII.2013 (01/11/2013)
> S74: Change in Business Registration Certificate (04/11/2013)
> HJS: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (04/11/2013)
> PVE: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (Consolidated) (04/11/2013)