BSI: BSI adjusts the decision on branch establishment
BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company BSI has adjusted the decision on branch establishment with the content about branch director as follows:
- Head of the branch: Mr. Le Quang Huy - Effective date: November 15, 2013
- Head of the branch: Mr. Le Quang Huy
- Effective date: November 15, 2013
> CLP: Explanation for business result in Quarter 3.2013 (18/11/2013)
> OCH: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (consolidated) (18/11/2013)
> NAG: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (consolidated) (18/11/2013)
> MIC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (18/11/2013)
> LTC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (18/11/2013)
> NAG: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (18/11/2013)
> ACB: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (18/11/2013)
> ACB: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (18/11/2013)
> CMS: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (18/11/2013)