ARM: Change in Business Registration Certificate
> BPC: Explanation for increase of profit after tax of quarter II/2013 year on year (28/10/2013)
> SJ1: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (28/10/2013)
> QNC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (28/10/2013)
> QNC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (28/10/2013)
> BTH: Explanation for difference of 10% of profit after tax year on year (28/10/2013)
> CAN: Explanation for difference in the operating result Q.II/2013 year on year (28/10/2013)
> CTC: Explanation for difference of profit after tax in quarter II/2013 year on year (consolidated) (28/10/2013)
> PHS: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (28/10/2013)
> MAX: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (28/10/2013)
> PSI: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (28/10/2013)