STT: Explanation for late information disclosure
On September 09, 2013, Saigontourist Transport Corporation explained the late information disclosure on signing auditing contract with UHY Auditing and Consulting Services Co., Ltd. (UHY) because the company made the reviewed semi-annual financial statements to send on August 29, 2013.
> HHS: HHS to hold Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting 2013 (12/09/2013)
> GBVS: GBVS suspended trading activities from Sep 16 to Sep 27 (12/09/2013)
> DCS: HNX notice: Alert on DZM removed (12/09/2013)
> KSD: General Mandate 2013 (12/09/2013)
> L62: Explanation for the operation results in Quarter II.2013 (12/09/2013)
> TTC: Explanation for change in operation result (11/09/2013)
> THT: Explanation for change in operation result and audit exception (11/09/2013)
> TKC: Explanation for audit exception (11/09/2013)
> TSB: Explanation for loss in operation result (11/09/2013)
> TSM: Board Resolutions (11/09/2013)