Son Ha International Corporation has announced a trading result of affiliated institution as follows:
Stock symbol: SHI
Investor: Lotus – Mekong
River Equity Fund
Affiliated person:
Mr. Nguyen Duc Tai – Director of Lotus Investment
Management Company (LotusIMC) and Director
of Lotus – Mekong River Equity Fund
Positions of Mr.
Nguyen Duc Tai at the listed firm: a
Member of the BOD
Owning volume before trading: 3,238,782 shares (12.46%)
registered to sell: 3,238,782 shares
volume: 3,238,782 shares
Owning volume after trading: 0 share (0%)
method: put through and order matching
Trading period: From August 07, 2013 to September 04, 2013.