PIV: Explanation for change of over 10% in the operating result Q.II/2013 year on year
> TXM: Explanation for the auditor’s comments on Financial Statement of first half 2013 (30/09/2013)
> PLC: Explanation for audited FS of first 06 months of 2013 (30/09/2013)
> NVC: Explanation for differences in operating result in holding company and consolidated FS (First 06 months of 2013) (30/09/2013)
> NVC: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2013 (30/09/2013)
> ASA: Report on the change (adjustment) in the plan on use of proceeds (30/09/2013)
> L62: The explanation for the audit opinion in the reviewed semi-annual financial statement 2013 (30/09/2013)
> MKV: Report on use of proceeds (30/09/2013)
> NIS: Change in Business registration certificate (30/09/2013)
> MAC: The explanation for the audit opinion in semi-annual financial statement 2013 (30/09/2013)
> NTP: Explanation for differences in profit after tax of QII.2013 (30/09/2013)