MNC: Management Change
Mai Linh Central JSC announces change in the Management Board as follows:
- Mr. Ho Van My has been appointed Deputy General Manager who be responsible for Business in term 03 months with effect since 09/9/2013.
> HAP: Resignation of a member of the Supervisory Board (10/09/2013)
> TCO: Resignation of a member of the BOD and CEO (10/09/2013)
> PPG: Change in Information Disclosure Officer (09/09/2013)
> MBB: Appointment of Deputy Chairman of the BOD (09/09/2013)
> PVT: Appointment of Deputy CEO (09/09/2013)
> SCD: Appointment of Sales Director (09/09/2013)
> S99: Change in the BOD, Supervisory Board and State-capital Representative (09/09/2013)