HAG: The record date for consulting shareholders
On September 10, 2013, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.814/2013/TB-SGDHCM on the record date for consulting shareholders of HAGL Joint Stock Company:
- Stock symbol: HAG - Ex-right date: September 18, 2013 - Record date: September 20, 2013 - Purpose: to close the shareholders record list to consult shareholders in writing - Meeting date: expected on September 26, 2013 - Meeting venue: HAGL Joint Stock Company – No.15 Truong Chinh, Phu Dong Ward, Pleiku City, Gia Lai Province. - Contents: + 2012 cash dividend payment; + Restructuring the real estate units of HAGL Joint Stock Company by selling shares of subsidiary companies owning the projects as approved by the Resolution of Directors No.2604/13/NQHDQT-HAGL dated June 24, 2013.
- Stock symbol: HAG
- Ex-right date: September 18, 2013
- Record date: September 20, 2013
- Purpose: to close the shareholders record list to consult shareholders in writing
- Meeting date: expected on September 26, 2013
- Meeting venue: HAGL Joint Stock Company – No.15 Truong Chinh, Phu Dong Ward, Pleiku City, Gia Lai Province.
- Contents:
+ 2012 cash dividend payment;
+ Restructuring the real estate units of HAGL Joint Stock Company by selling shares of subsidiary companies owning the projects as approved by the Resolution of Directors No.2604/13/NQHDQT-HAGL dated June 24, 2013.
> KBC: The record date for consulting shareholders (11/09/2013)
> KSA: BOD Resolution Sep 06 (11/09/2013)
> SFN: Board resolution (11/09/2013)
> SJE: Board resolution (11/09/2013)
> NAG: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (11/09/2013)
> SDY: Issuing Operation and Organization Charter (11/09/2013)
> SD1: Change in the BOD (11/09/2013)
> SD7: Selection of auditor (10/09/2013)
> MNC: Dissolution of subsidiary (10/09/2013)