Dai Thien Loc Corporation has disclosed trading result and transaction of inside shareholders as follows:
Stock symbol: DTL
Trader: Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nghia – Chairman
of the Board of Directors
Owning volume before trading: 20,327,157 shares (43.334%)
Volume registered to buy: 1,000,000 shares
Bought volume: 312,560 shares
volume after trading: 20,639,717 shares
Trading method: Order matching
period: from August 07, 2013 to September 05, 2013
Reason of incomplete transaction:
the price was not in the trader’s expectation
Volume registered to continue buying:
Owning volume after trading: 21,639,717 shares (46.132%)
Trading method: Order matching and
put through
Expected trading period: from September
11, 2013 to October 10, 2013