DIC: Explanation for DIC’s profit & loss in 6 months of 2013 (after auditing)
DIC Investment and Trading Joint Stock Company (DIC–INTRACO) explained the fluctuation in its profit and loss in the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period of 2012 as follows:
By: million dongs
Consolidated Parent company 6 months of 2013 6 months of 2013 Different Rate (%) 6 months of 2013 6 months of 2013 Different Rate (%) Net revenue 1,263,029 636,676 626,353 98.38% 818,349 626,091 192,258 30.71% Profit after tax 1,884 240 1,644 685% -143 2,849 -2,992 -105.02% Consolidated net revenue for the first six months of 2013 rose by 98.38% compared to the first half of 2012. Consolidated profit after tax increased by 685% thank to sales from subsidiaries increased but profit after tax decreased by 105.02% Net revenue of parent company for the first six months of 2013 rose by 30.71% compared to the first half of 2012 because of economic difficulties, expenses and cost of goods sold also increased more highly than the growth of revenue.
Parent company
6 months of 2013
Rate (%)
Net revenue
Profit after tax
Consolidated net revenue for the first six months of 2013 rose by 98.38% compared to the first half of 2012. Consolidated profit after tax increased by 685% thank to sales from subsidiaries increased but profit after tax decreased by 105.02%
Net revenue of parent company for the first six months of 2013 rose by 30.71% compared to the first half of 2012 because of economic difficulties, expenses and cost of goods sold also increased more highly than the growth of revenue.
> SDD: Reviewed Financial Statement 2013 (04/09/2013)
> SDH: Reviewed Financial Statement 2013 (04/09/2013)
> V15: Change in Business Registration Certificate (04/09/2013)
> KBT: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (04/09/2013)
> LHC: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (04/09/2013)
> LHC: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (holding company) (04/09/2013)
> MNC: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (04/09/2013)
> PSG: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (holding company) (04/09/2013)
> PSG: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (04/09/2013)
> API: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2013 (holding company) (04/09/2013)