VNS: Board Resolution
Vietnam Sun Corporation announced the resolution of the Board of Directors dated July 15, 2013 as follows:
> PPI: PPI chooses AASCN as 2013 auditing firm (17/07/2013)
> TYA: TYA signs Auditing Contract (17/07/2013)
> HT1: Announcement of an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (17/07/2013)
> VSI: Board Resolution - July 10 (17/07/2013)
> CIG: CIG signs Auditing Contract (17/07/2013)
> VIT: Board Resolution (17/07/2013)
> VKC: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (17/07/2013)
> PFL: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2013 (17/07/2013)
> HHS: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares (17/07/2013)
> TTZ: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2013 (17/07/2013)