Report on change in ownership of a major shareholder of Innovative Technology Development Corporation:
Name of institutional investor: Kieu Phong Trade and Services Co., Ltd
Mr. Lam
Thieu Quan
Position of Mr. Lam
Thieu Quan in the listed firm: a Member of the BOD
Relationship of the related person with the institutional
investor: Chairman of the Board of members
Tran Thi Tra My
Relationship of the related person with the institutional
investor: Director
Security code: ITD
Number and proportion of shares owned by investor before trading:
400,000 shares (3.13%)
Number of shares sold: 400,000 shares
Number and proportion of shares owned by investor after
trading: 0 shares (0%)
Number and proportion of shares owned by related person:
Owning volume of Mr. Quan: 337,554
shares (2.64%)
Owning volume of Ms. My: 77,790
shares (0.61%)
Number and proportion of shares owned by related person
after trading: 415,344 shares (3.25%)
Date of ownership change: July 09, 2013.