Industrial parks up for review
Thirty of 59 provinces that were asked to review their industrial park land use have said they want to expand the area to attract more investment and develop business.
The Government had called for the review in order to deal with situation of redundancy, with many industrial parks in many localities unable to fully use the land they already have.
The new move also sought to ensure compliance with the national master plan, reduce inefficiencies and improve land use by industrial parks.
The 30 provinces that have asked for an expansion instead of reduction have said they want to meet investment criteria for large-scale, modern and environmentally-friendly projects.
The Planning and Investment Ministry has said it will collect opinions from related ministries and departments on the proposals from localities and submit them for consideration to the Prime Minister.
It said priority will be given to the proposals of 29 provinces that have asked to retain or reduce their industrial park area.
This will serve as basic foundation for 2020 national industrial park master plan.