DPM: Change of Deputy CEO
Petrovietnam Fertilizer And Chemicals Corporation announced a personnel change as follows:
- Mr. Duong Tri Hoi replaced Mr. Nguyen Hong Vinh as Deputy CEO. - Effective date: July 01, 2013.
- Mr. Duong Tri Hoi replaced Mr. Nguyen Hong Vinh as Deputy CEO.
- Effective date: July 01, 2013.
> TKC: General Mandate 2013 (07/06/2013)
> SJM: Change in certifiate of business and registration (07/06/2013)
> CJC: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2013 (07/06/2013)
> TPP: General Mandate 2013 (07/06/2013)
> HCM: HSC signs an audit agreement with Ernst & Young Vietnam (07/06/2013)
> HRC: Horuco signs an audit agreement with AAC (07/06/2013)
> IJC: BECAMEX IJC signs with A&C. (07/06/2013)
> TLG: Board Resolution (07/06/2013)
> CTG: The record date for the EGM - Revised 06 June (07/06/2013)
> SHI: SonHa.,Corp transfers stake in Sonha Dre (06/06/2013)