XMC: Time and Place for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Name of
the company: Vinaconex Xuan Mai Concrete & Construction JSC
code: XMC
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2013
time: 8am, 24/04/2012
Place: Meeting
hall of Vinaconex Xuan Mai Concrete & Construction JSC, 4th floor, CT2
building, Ngo Thi Nham road, Ha Cau ward, Ha Dong district, Hanoi city
+ Operating results in 2012; audited financial report
2012; operating directions in 2013
+ Report of the BOD
+ Report of Supervisory Board
+ Audited financial report in 2012
+ Plan of profit distribution in 2012
+ Selecting the Auditing Company for 2013
+ Remuneration for the BOD, Supervisory Board and bonus
for management board in 2013
+ Additional election members of the BOD and Supervisory
+ Other issues
more details, visit website: http://www.xmcc.com.vn
confirm the participation or authorization via mail, fax (application form on
the website http://www.xmcc.com.vn ) to Administration
office of Vinaconex Xuan Mai Concrete & Construction JSC, 3rd floor, CT2
Ngo Thi Nham building, Ha Cau ward, Ha Dong district, Hanoi city before 3pm, 23/04/2013.
Telephone: 04 6325 1050, fax: 04 6325 1012.
are required to bring this notice, ID card/Passport (Original copy). In case of
authorization, a proxy (original copy) and copy of ID card/Passport of
authorizer are further requested.