PGC: Explanation for consolidated business result in Q4.2012
Petrolimex Gas Joint Stock Company explained the fluctuation in consolidated profit before tax of Quarter 4/2012 compared to Quarter 4/2011:
- Profit after tax in Quarter 4/2011: 11,799,792,750 dongs - Profit after tax in Quarter 4/2012: 25,214,942,504 dongs - Profit after tax in Quarter 4/2012 increased from Quarter 4/2011 by 13,415,149,754 dongs (or 114%). Because the following reason: + Products, sales, gross profit increased and leading to profit in Quarter 4/2012 rose. - In Quarter 4/2012, no damage from exchange rate difference.
- Profit after tax in Quarter 4/2011: 11,799,792,750 dongs
- Profit after tax in Quarter 4/2012: 25,214,942,504 dongs
- Profit after tax in Quarter 4/2012 increased from Quarter 4/2011 by 13,415,149,754 dongs (or 114%). Because the following reason:
+ Products, sales, gross profit increased and leading to profit in Quarter 4/2012 rose.
- In Quarter 4/2012, no damage from exchange rate difference.
> VIE: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (01/02/2013)
> VE8: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (01/02/2013)
> LO5: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (01/02/2013)
> ICG: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (01/02/2013)
> NHC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (01/02/2013)
> NAG: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (holding company) (01/02/2013)
> CMC: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2013 (01/02/2013)
> PJC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (01/02/2013)
> DMC: The Record Date for Annual General Meeting 2012 (01/02/2013)
> KDC: The record date for the first dividend advance 2012 and the 2013 Annual General Meeting (01/02/2013)