CCI: Link to the financial statements of 2012
Cuchi Commercial And Industrial Developing Investment Joint Stock Company announced the financial statements of 2012 on the website of Cuchi Commercial And Industrial Developing Investment Joint Stock Company:
- Link to the financial statements of 2012:,84/97-bao-cao-tai-chinh-cong-ty-nam-2012.aspx - Link to the consolidated financial statements of 2012:,84/98-bao-cao-tai-chinh-hop-nhat-cong-ty-nam-2012.aspx
- Link to the financial statements of 2012:,84/97-bao-cao-tai-chinh-cong-ty-nam-2012.aspx
- Link to the consolidated financial statements of 2012:,84/98-bao-cao-tai-chinh-hop-nhat-cong-ty-nam-2012.aspx
> COM: Business plan for 2013 and payment dividend (31/01/2013)
> B82: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (31/01/2013)
> BDB: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (31/01/2013)
> BTH: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (31/01/2013)
> ASA: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (31/01/2013)
> BCC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (31/01/2013)
> ALV: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (31/01/2013)
> BKC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (holding company) (31/01/2013)
> VCM: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (holding company) (31/01/2013)
> VCM: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2012 (31/01/2013)