VNR: Explanation for except-for opinion of auditor in the Reviewed Financial Statement 2012
On 14/09/2012, Vietnam National Reinsurance Corporation explained the except-for opinion of auditor in Reviewed Financial Statement 2012 as follows:
The auditor excluded the item “Allowance for long-term investments” in Reviewed Financial Statement due to the limitation of information. At the time of making the statements, the Company couldn’t collect information for revaluation of long-term investments from units in which the Company invested. At the time of making Review Financial Statement 2012 (consolidated), the Company reevaluated reasonable value of contribution capital and allowances for long –term investments based on the financial statements of the latest periods and the leaders of the Company believed that the use of this information has no affect to key material in the statements.
> SHS: Change of Branch manager (05/11/2012)
> NSI: Change of the Branch manager (05/11/2012)
> VTC: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (05/11/2012)
> VTV: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (05/11/2012)
> VXB: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (05/11/2012)
> XMC: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (holding company) (05/11/2012)
> XMC: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (05/11/2012)
> VNC: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2012 (05/11/2012)
> VND: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (05/11/2012)
> VNF: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2012 (holding company) (05/11/2012)