Thu Duc Housing Development Corporation (THUDUC HOUSE) announces the result of conversion of TDH41029 bonds in Phase 1/2012 dated November 16, 2012 as follows:
Information on the
convertible bond TDH41029:
Bond name: Convertible Bond of Thu Duc Housing Development
Bond code: TDH41029
Par value: VND100,000/bond
Issue date: November 17, 2010
Due date: November 17, 2013
Issue volume: 2,088,731 bonds
Interest rate: 7%/year
Record date: October 18, 2012
Conversion date: November 16, 2012
Conversion rules:
50% of owning bonds will be converted on November 16, 2012
and 50% will be converted on the due date (November 17, 2013).
If a bondholder does not convert 50% of his bonds on
November 16, 2012, all of his bonds will be converted on the due date (November
17, 2013).
Conversion price: VND22,014/share
Conversion ratio: 1:4.542563
(01 bond will be converted into 4.542563 shares)
Number of bonds allowed to be converted in the first phase –
November 16, 2012: 1,044,171 bonds.
Result of bond
Number of bonds converted: 48,011 bonds
Total par value of bonds converted: VND4,801,100,000.
Number of remaining bonds after conversion: 2,040,720 bonds
Total par value of remaining bonds: VND204,072,000,000.
The number of bonds converted accounts for 4.6% of the
number of bonds allowed to be converted in the first phase of 2012, and
accounts for 2.3% of total number of bonds issued.
Name of stock converted from bonds: Stock of Thu Duc Housing
Development Corporation
Stock code: TDH
Par value: VND10,000/share
Number of shares increased after conversion: 218,029 shares
Total par value of shares increased: VND2,180,290,000
Charter capital before conversion: VND378,750,000,000.
Charter capital after conversion: VND380,930,290,000.