Ha Noi to see small hike in land prices
Ha Noi land prices to be applied next year will not drastically alter the current price framework, with the highest price remaining at VND81 million (US$3,860) per square metre, according to the draft of land prices in 2013 recently released by the city People's Committee.

The new prices of non-agricultural land used for business and production purposes in central districts range from VND47.81 million ($2,277) to VND2.04 million ($97), from VND19.124 million ($910) to VND1.221million ($58.2) in bordering areas and from VND1.62 million ($77) to VND245,000 ($11.7) in rural areas – the minimum level in the land price framework.
According to Nguyen Huy Tuong, vice chairman of the municipal People's Committee, the slight increases in the prices of some kinds of non-agricultural land would not affect the business operation of enterprises because the adjusted levels were within the Government's land price framework.
The prices of residential land in the city's central districts will be from VND81 million ($3,860) to VND3.645 million ($174).
Prices of agricultural land will be kept unchanged.
In fact, the transference prices of land were much higher than the prices promulgated by the People's Committee, especially in the city's centre, which migh be 10-15 times higher than the ceiling price, experts said.
The city aimed to amend Decision 108/2009/QD-UBND to ensure that land compensation for site clearance and relocation better reflects market prices.
Accordingly, investors should hire independent consultant units to specify the land prices of particular clearance sites. District People's Committees would take charge of evaluating the conpensation prices.
Vice chairman of the municipal People's Committee Vu Hong Khanh said the adjustments of compensation prices to better reflect market prices would help speed up the site clearance of construction projects in the city.