SZL: Explanation for business result in Quarter 2.2012
Sonadezi Long Thanh has explained the difference in profit between Quarter 2/2012 and Quarter 2/2011:
The 6 months of 2012 before review The 6 months of 2012 after review Difference Profit after tax VND 18,373,342,747 VND 16,697,040,757 9.12%
The 6 months of 2012 before review
The 6 months of 2012 after review
Profit after tax
VND 18,373,342,747
VND 16,697,040,757
Quarter 2/2012 Quarter 2/2011 Difference Profit after tax VND 18,263,198,285 VND 10,461,673,025 42.72% Reason: Profit after tax in the 6 months of 2012 after review decreased 9.12% compared to before review because added lease costs at Chau Duc Industrial Park.Profit after tax in Quarter 2/2012 decreased 42.72% compared to in Quarter 2/2011 because financial expenses went down due to interest expenses fell.
Quarter 2/2012
Quarter 2/2011
VND 18,263,198,285
VND 10,461,673,025
Reason: Profit after tax in the 6 months of 2012 after review decreased 9.12% compared to before review because added lease costs at Chau Duc Industrial Park.
Profit after tax in Quarter 2/2012 decreased 42.72% compared to in Quarter 2/2011 because financial expenses went down due to interest expenses fell.
> CMT: Explanation for business results for 6 months of 2012 after review (02/10/2012)
> Vinaglobal: The 2012 reviewed semi-annual financial statements (02/10/2012)
> KHB: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (02/10/2012)
> NTP: Reviewed financial statement 2012 _holding company (02/10/2012)
> ASIAGF: NAV from 20 Sep 2012 to 27 Sep 2012 (02/10/2012)
> PMC: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (02/10/2012)
> AMC: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (02/10/2012)
> PPP: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (02/10/2012)
> ALV: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (02/10/2012)
> S&P affirms and then drops HAG 'B-' rating (02/10/2012)