SHB: Management Change
Sai Gon - Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank announces change in the Management Board as follows:
- Ms. Dang To Loan has been appointed Deputy General Manager cum Manager of Ho Chi Minh City Brach with effect since 09/10/2012.
> FDC: Personnel Change (15/10/2012)
> KBC: Change of representative office address (15/10/2012)
> SJS: Change of company spokesman (15/10/2012)
> MTG: A member of the Board of Directors resigns (15/10/2012)
> BHS: Resolution on personnel change (12/10/2012)
> DRC: Change of company spokesman (12/10/2012)
> SEC: Personnel Change (12/10/2012)
> STB: Appointment of Deputy CEO (12/10/2012)
> SD5: Management Change (11/10/2012)