LM3: Explanation for change of over 10 percent in operating result in Quarter II. 2012
According to the Financial Statement Quarter I/2012, profit after tax increases by more than 10% year on year. On 02/08/2012, Lilama 3 JSC explained the increase in operating result in Quarter II/2012 as follows:
- Some projects of the Company such as Ngoi Phat hydroelectric power, Nam Toong hydroelectric power, Nosco Vinaline project have been stagnated because the investor didn’t settled. Therefore, the Company didn’t recover capital to pay loans for banks and interest also increased.
- Some projects such as Bai Bang Paper Factory (VND 5.4 billion), COCO 3 Yen Bai white rock powder factory (VND 2.7 billion) were drawn the balance sheet but the investor didn’t have resource to settle.
- Some old projects such as Ministry of Police project, Song Thao cement, Hanoi Museum were finished but the Company didn’t recover the capital.
> SD7: Establishment of subsidiaries – Song Da 701 branch (04/10/2012)
> SD7: Establishment of subsidiaries – Song Da 705 branch (04/10/2012)
> SFN: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (04/10/2012)
> ELC: Announcement of New Business License of associated company (04/10/2012)
> GIL: Announcement of changes in business license (04/10/2012)
> PRUBF1: NAV from 20 Sep 2012 to 27 Sep 2012 (04/10/2012)
> SDI: Results of General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (04/10/2012)
> VCG: Report on use of proceeds (03/10/2012)
> BSI: Financial statements for the first 6 months (03/10/2012)
> KSS: Notice the 2012 annual general meeting (Time 03) (03/10/2012)