BLF: Reviewed financial statement 2012
> CII: CII discloses profit for the first 9 months of 2012 (05/10/2012)
> HSG: Setting up Branch (05/10/2012)
> PNJ: Announcement of changes in business license (05/10/2012)
> SBS: Explanation for business result in Quarter 2/2012 (05/10/2012)
> TDC: Change of Head Office Address (05/10/2012)
> CAP: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (05/10/2012)
> YBC: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (05/10/2012)
> LM3: Results of Extraordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (05/10/2012)
> KSD: Result of 2nd AGM, Time and Place for 3rd AGM (05/10/2012)
> STL: Explanation for difference in Reviewed financial statement Year 2012 before and after auditing (05/10/2012)