TMP: Explanation for financial statements for 6 months
Thac Mo Hydro Power Joint Stock Company has explained the auditor’s opinion in financial statements for the first six months of 2012 as follows:
- While waiting for negotiable new electricity price in 2012, Vietnam Electricity issued Document No. 586/EVN-TTD on February 29, 2012 about the temporary electricity buying price for Thac Mo Hydro Power Joint Stock Company. Accordingly, the electricity selling price of Thac Mo Hydro Power Joint Stock Company equals to 80% of the sales price in 2011.
> Sacombank-SBS: Consolidated financial statements of Quarter 2.2012 & the semi-annual consolidated financial statements 2012 (27/09/2012)
> HPG spends $12.7 mln on shares mortgaged at ACB (26/09/2012)
> VGS: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (consolidated) (26/09/2012)
> PVX: Explanation for Financial Statement of QII/2012 (consolidated) after auditing (26/09/2012)
> FPT: Business result in the first 8 months of 2012 (26/09/2012)
> PVR: Financial Statement Quarter 2_2012 (26/09/2012)
> DNY: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (26/09/2012)
> HGM: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (26/09/2012)
> SDG: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (26/09/2012)
> PRUBF1: NAV from 13 Sep 2012 to 20 Sep 2012 (26/09/2012)