TKU: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (consolidated)
> TNA: Business result in Aug 2012 (20/09/2012)
> BCC: Reviewed financial statement 2012 (20/09/2012)
> BXD: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (20/09/2012)
> CNT: Explanation for Q2.2012 business result of parent company (20/09/2012)
> DMC: Setting up Branch (20/09/2012)
> ATA: Explanation for submitting the reviewed semi-annual financial statements late (20/09/2012)
> BGM: Gets approval to delay the reviewed semi-annual financial statements disclosure (20/09/2012)
> Woori CBV: Audit report for the semi-annual financial statements of 2012 (20/09/2012)
> MHBS: Audit report for the semi-annual financial statements of 2012 (20/09/2012)
> HLC: Explanation for difference in Reviewed Financial Statement 2012 before and after auditing (19/09/2012)