RDP: Explanation for submitting the semi-annual management report late
RangDong Plastic Joint-Stock Company explained the semi-annual management report submitted late because the company did not fully understand. So, the company only added list of inside shareholders in Section IV but Section III unchanged.
> ORS: Change in Chief Accountant (10/09/2012)
> Temporarary suspended the depository activities of Trang An Securities JSC (07/09/2012)
> WSS: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (07/09/2012)
> SMES: SMES terminates membership on HOSE (07/09/2012)
> BT6: Board Resolution No.146 (07/09/2012)
> MCP: Nhut Quang Co. Loses Stock Certificate (07/09/2012)
> KTS: Board Resolution (07/09/2012)
> PLC: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (07/09/2012)
> PVX: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (07/09/2012)
> EOD Results of HNX 30 Index on 07/09/2012 (07/09/2012)