VCBS: Change of Director
Vietcombank Securities Company Ltd. (VCBS) announced a personnel change as follows:
- Mr. Le Viet Ha – Deputy Director replaced Mr. Nguyen Quang Hai as Director of Vietcombank Securities Company Ltd.- Effective date: August 15, 2012.
- Mr. Le Viet Ha – Deputy Director replaced Mr. Nguyen Quang Hai as Director of Vietcombank Securities Company Ltd.
- Effective date: August 15, 2012.
> FDC: Board Resolution (20/08/2012)
> SSI: SSI discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (20/08/2012)
> PIT: Board Resolution (20/08/2012)
> NDN: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 (20/08/2012)
> HNX Notice: First trading date of additional shares (MTP) on UPCoM (20/08/2012)
> SPP: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 (20/08/2012)
> LHG: Resolution of BOD (20/08/2012)
> NKG: The record date for consulting shareholders (20/08/2012)
> VTF: Receives offer to purchase 3 million shares (20/08/2012)
> VISecurities: Reports corporate governance for the first 6 months (20/08/2012)